Braiding your daughters' and family members' hair for no fee is fine. Braiding a consumer's hair for a price is called fee for service. If the braider wants to trade her service for another service (as opposed to for a fee), this is called bartering, which is fine also. Braiders who sell their services to consumers must pay taxes; when fee-for-service braiders neglect to pay taxes, not only are they violating the law but they are also doing a great disservice to the image and integrity of the beauty/hair care industry. I would like to see all braiders be subject to a written test on hair growth and follicles and trained under the apprenticeship of a licensed professional hairstylist.
If you're a braider, you'd greatly help yourself and our industry by wanting to take and pass a test on hair growth and follicles and train under the apprenticeship program with a licensed professional. And if you're a consumer, I advise you to seek the service of a licensed hair care professional about your hair follicles for best results. -"Hair Doc"
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