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Showing posts from February, 2011

Nadine's Tip of the Day

Learning Lessons: It is very important to be open to life-long learning. When you stop or lose interest in learning, you kill your progress and diminish your chance for success and reaching your full God-given potential. You will make mistakes and regrettable decisions along the way, but they are teachable/learnable moments in your growth and overall success. Seek out mentors (experts in your area of interest who can help guide you and help you navigate road blocks along the way). Don't expect them to give you all the answers because they won't have all the answers--they are still learning as well. But their experiences (mistakes, triumphs, and people they've met along their journey) will be very helpful to you. And then, once you've achieved your dream(s), you can then be a mentor to someone else--and watch your blessings multiply! --Hair Doc

Thank you all for helping this vision come to life with my first DVD!!

Daily Washing? Not So Healthy

Let's talk about washing our hair. I've found that most of us in the hair industry have been spreading the word to non-black clients, "You need to wash your hair daily." And I've found hairstylists who have dry bleached hair who still think they need to wash their hair daily, too. I also know in 2011 there are a lot of us, "hairstylists," who don't clarify our hair. Well, this alone would make you want to wash daily just to get rid of some of the build-up that you put on it day after day, and with regular ph-balanced moisturizer and shampoo, you would never get your hair truly clean. Well, let's get rid of this misconception and start giving our hair a break! Let's give it a break from water daily, which just dries the hair out. A break from blow drying daily, which also dries the hair out, and last but not least, flat ironing and curling, which burns the hair OFF. Let's just keep it real, guys, you are only doing what's been told to ...

To Mothers, Fathers & Daughters Struggling with Hair Issues

Picture this scene morning after morning: Two beautiful sisters, ages 6 and 11, in the bathroom screaming mad because I can't get their hair to lay flat, crying when I try to get the terrible tangles out of their hair, and mad because I always seem to put their hair in the same "poof ball" hairstyle. Basically summing this up--all their lives everyday has been a bad hair day! As young girls wanting to be in style, fit in, feel good about themselves, and dealing with peer pressure, imagine their personal hair struggle everyday. Well, that's about to change! We have discovered Nadine's Beauty World. She is our "new best friend." I know people have called her an angel; well, we consider her the "hair goddess." I cut and saved an article about her and her salon, which was written in the O.C. Register. It was a year later that we actually went to see her, and my girls are now in ''hair heaven!" My two girls are biracial and they each...

Two sided brush for everyone